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[oth_slider slides="https://wordpress.onthehub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1-office-2021-home-business-students.jpg | https://wordpress.onthehub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1-office-2021-home-business-students-2.jpg | " dots="false" arrows="false" fade="true" navslider="true" isnavfor="img-nav" classes="img-main" infinite="false"][oth_slider slides="https://wordpress.onthehub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1-office-2021-home-business-students.jpg | https://wordpress.onthehub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1-office-2021-home-business-students-2.jpg | " dots="false" arrows="false" navslider="true" isnavfor="img-main" classes="img-nav" slidestoshow="2" slidestoscroll="2" focusselect="true" infinite="false" fillwidth="true"]
Check Eligibility

* Available to select schools. Search for your school to see if your institution qualifies.


New, modern versions of the classic desktop applications built for maximum productivity.

Office 2021 provides the essential tools you need to capture, analyze, and organize your ideas. Office 2021 is for students who want classic Office apps and email installed on one computer for use at home or work. It is a one-time purchase that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook.

Co-Author Documents

With real-time co-authoring, you can work with others in the same document at the same time. There’s no need to send extra notes or emails because everyone will be notified when a file is updated.

Better collaboration with modern comments

Have control of when you send comments to your co-authors and be productive with a consistent commenting experience between Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Know who's in your document

See who else is working along with you and where they are in the document. You'll find this experience in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Visual refresh

Work with a modernized Start experience and newly refreshed tabs in the ribbon. Experience a clean, clear style with monoline iconography, neutral color palette, and softer window corners. These updates communicate action and provide features with simple visuals.

Your school may offer Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2021 at no cost. Search for your school above to get started.

* This products and/or offer is not for the general public. You may be requested to provide proof of academic or organizational affiliation prior to order or participation.


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Microsoft Office 2021 for Students
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 3 reviews
 by David Stephens

I Received Wrong Product Key

Hi David, sorry that you are having trouble! Please contact support@onthehub.com and they will help get you sorted.

 by Vanessa Ruiz

Thank oú upï

 by Nethsara Sandesh

pleace downloard ms officev 365

Hello Nethsara,Thank you for reaching out. We would need to see your school’s agreement details to confirm if your school is eligible to distribute Office products through us.Your school can send us their agreement information from our website https://kivuto.com/solutions/partner-programs.

[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="Requirements" tab_id="prod-requirements"]
  • Operating System Windows 7 SP 1 or later, Windows 8 or 8.1, Windows 10.
  • RAM 4 GB.
  • Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 or higher.
  • Internet connection required for product download, activation, updates, and select features.
[/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title="Eligibility" tab_id="prod-eligibility"]Students in participating schools. In order to qualify, students need to be attending campuses that have purchased an organization-wide Volume Licensing Program. Other restrictions may apply. Available in select countries, some restrictions and other exceptions may apply. In some cases this product is not free. Price may vary by school and is subject to change without notice.[/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs]

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